On the day I die a lot will happen. A lot will change. The world will be busy. On the day I die, all the important appointments I made will be left unattended. The many plans I had yet to complete …

Beautiful words. Honest. My addition:

Be free.

Death always wins. You can’t stop it; neither can I. Nobody can. It’s so cliche but, you only live once. There will always only be one of you. The you that you are today; living in the here and now. Cherish this life. If there is nothing to cherish, change it. You are who you are by choices made along your path. If you must, take a new path. Share with others. Others that you adore and couldn’t imagine never having known. Life is fuller, richer when it includes humanity. Do not let death win without ever having lived.

Source: On the Day I Die